Stage Fright

Stage Fright

Find it hard to go when someone is watching you?

I went to a club tonight and got into the damn urinals. I was totally busting and yet i still couldn't go? What is with that? What part of my brain is in control there.

Brain - Oh I need to pee.. if i cant pee soon my insides will flood with urine and my body will die
Brain - ok legs, walk to the toilet, thats the way.. ok, now ur there, undo the fly.. ok set..
Hidden Part of Psyche - Nah sorry brain, no deal, im in charge here, male within 5 metre radius. Mission Aborted
Brain - Damn you HPOP!!

Maybe I feel totally inadequate about my male parts or something, I should ask some dude who went to a boarding school, since half of their lives are spent playing penis games (so i hear) if they have the same trouble.

This is the dumbest update ever. What inspired this was utter stupidity. That is all

Word of the day - Buddy

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