News From The Wire

News From The Wire

I can't say that anything here is as interesting as a good ol' fashioned race riot, like some cities are experiencing... but at least the weather is cold.

I can't spend a monumental amount of time writing this as I am using someone elses internet connection in the place I am currently living, something akin to stealing, although I haven't had to use any sort of lockpick or skullduggery equipment to pull it off. Just my trusty wireless network card. As with most of these connections I am at the owners mercy and if they discover my unwanted connect then im toast.

My time recently has been spent sleeping, playing Simcity 4 (which I found installed on my computer, I forgot I had it), going out occasionally (as much as my very limited budget allows) and eating.. plus everything that goes along with it.

Speaking of my new place, its pretty crappy, I seem to be in a place with a bunch of ex/pseudo homeless people/junkies and students. My room is OK however, spacious enough for what I need and it has a fridge and a microwave (so all my new-found culinary skills are somewhat wasted - it's 2 minute noodles for me.. well... as soon as I buy myself a bowl). There is a toilet and a shower across the hall, close enough so I don't have to walk too far. The showers in this place are the real kickers though, there are two on my floor. One has no hot water. The other has no cold water, so I spend my time running backwards and forwards between the two of them.

I'm missing the fact that I no longer have a television (missing all the basketball to be precise) but the fact that I have no television and no regular internet connection has meant that I have been able to catch up on my reading and computer game playing. Maybe I will soon start the novel I have been planning on writing for the past 25 years. Who knows, stranger things have happened.

I had my work christmas party last week, It was pretty uneventful for me, the highlight of the night was probably my boss vaulting over a railing and landing on a pile of chairs (reminded me of a turtle on its back.. only more hilarious). To me it really doesn't even feel like christmas, sure there are decorations scattered in the city but without the build-up, the gift giving and with family and friends talking about it it really hasn't hit home. Maybe it will on the day itself. It is times like these I wish I could afford a return trip home to spend a week or so with all of you back in Oz!! (Wahhh)

The only other really interesting things that I have done lately are going to see Harry Potter (which I thought was pretty good, almost as good as the book but not quite..) and the South African dancing/singing show called Umoja . It reminded me of my early days growing up as a black child in South Africa. It brought back alot of memories.

I had best wrap this up, times-a-wasting.


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Comment I agree but its saturday now so I had better go

Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:43 am MST by loan

Comment Check your email..

Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:15 pm MST by Cameron

Comment sorry for pissing you off mate...

Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:37 am MST by rob

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