Number 5 - Top 10 Most Quotable Movie Characters of All Time

Number 5 - Top 10 Most Quotable Movie Characters of All Time

5. William Wallace (From Braveheart)

This is probably an odd choice for number 5 on all time top quotable characters and is here because I always used to love the epic as a younger fella' (And I still do).

Braveheart was one of those movies that I went and watched with my mate Bart, a spur of the moment thing, one where I knew absolutely nothing about it beforehand. The conversation would have been something like

"Hey you wanna go see Braveheart??"

"Hmm, whats it about?"

"Uhh, its got Mel Gibson and.."

"ok, im sold."

So we waltzed into the movie theatre, I think I remember it to be pretty empty at the time and thought, well, at least I won't have any little kid sitting behind me, kicking my chair and carrying on.

The movie booted up, and the rolling hills of Scotland appeared, bagpipes in tow (or a set that looked somewhat like what I imagine Scotland to look like) and I was hooked. After the 3ish hours or so of the film was over, I realised that not once did I think about how I hadn't got any snacks from the snack bar, how I needed to go to the toilet, or how sore my arse was.

Anyway, the point of all this is that Braveheart then became one of my all-time favourite movies, and because of this, I have a tendancy to quote the movie on a semi regular basis. Quoting this movie isn't usually so good for picking up chicks though.. so don't try it.

Me at club to chick with backpack "I love ye'.. and I want to marry ye"

Chick with backpack, typing on her mobile frantically "Hello?? Police?? I'm being stalked.."

This aside, Braveheart has awesome quotes. From when William Wallace is a little whinging snot bag

"Aww, but I want to goooooo"

to when he is older, more muscular and blue

"They make take our lives.. but they will never take.. our Freeedom!!"

and of course my all time favourite as Wallace is being tortured


That gives me tingles everytime I hear it.

I wish I was William Wallace. (Except for being dead, that kinda sucks)

Note - One of the other awesome quotable characters in this film is the Irish guy.. I can't remember the characters name but he is pretty great. "I told ye before.. its MY Ireland"

Coming up next...Number 4 - Trent/Ricky (From Swingers/Made)

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Comment I agree but its saturday now so I had better go

Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:43 am MST by loan

Comment Those are MONEY bro. Will we be perhaps seeing a Pulp Fiction character in there like Jules Winnfield? "Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man", "Shit, yeah, negro. That's all you had to say. " and "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions" spring to mind. Ah fuck it man, every line in that money is classic!

Tue Feb 7, 2006 10:39 pm MST by Begbie

Comment Are you aching for the blade,that’s o.k. We're insured. Are you aching for the grave, that’s o.k. We're insured. Were getting away with it all messed up, getting away with it all messed up, that’s the living.

Fri Jan 6, 2006 4:37 pm MST by James

Comment Your wish is my command.. err, i mean, your wish is my anus.

Wed Jan 4, 2006 2:26 pm MST by Cameron

Comment dont bother quoting from swingers it was the shittest movie ever, each time they said the word money i felt like punching the characters in the urethra.

Wed Jan 4, 2006 1:44 am MST by Neville Bartos

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